The Siren by Tiffany Reisz - My Thoughts

The Siren - Tiffany Reisz

I picked this book up because I read Tiffany Reisz's blog post for Queer Romance Month and was intrigued.  As I said in my comment to this post, I headed over to Amazon Canada and it was on sale so it seemed like I was fated to read this book.  :)  I did.  And OMG, it was NOT what I expected.


First off, if you're going to go into reading this with the idea that it's a kinky, queer romance... baby, it ain't that!  Oh, there's romance, there's kink, there's queer, but what this book is... is... hell, I don't know.  It's the story of a woman, her obsessions, her loves, her needs, her desires, her darkest thoughts... it's ...  well look, I'm going to link romance author Courtney Milan's Goodreads review here.  She says things SO much better than I ever could.  


Courtney Milan on The Siren


There are a lot of things in this book that I wasn't okay with... A LOT.  That's why I could only give it 4 stars and not 5, even though it probably deserves the 5.  *LOL*  But there was a lot that was uncomfortable to read, but I couldn't NOT read it.  There was so much PAIN.  Physical and emotional and while I looked for some of the glory and the wonder that I know can exist in BDSM, there was little of that here.  I didn't like Nora and I didn't like Soren but Dear Lord, they were fascinating!  (I did like Zach, Wes and what I saw of Griffin and Kingsley)


Will I read the next book in the series?  The Angel?  Yes, I will  But not right away.  After The Siren, I've picked up something totally different.  A fantasy adventure.  With magic and stuff.  Because The Siren just wrecked me all to hell.  :)