Nyphron Rising by Michael J. Sullivan - My Thoughts

Nyphron Rising (The Riyria Revelations #3) - Michael J. Sullivan

I'm loving this series.  :)  


I started this volume, #3 in the Riyria Revelations, back in December but had to put it aside so I could read my Christmas books.  After finishing Traitor's Blade, my want for adventure fantasy was rekindled so I picked Nyphron Rising back up and zipped through the last 2/3rds of it.  


Hadrian and Royce are so very Hadrian and Royce and I adore them.  Many revelations came in this volume of their story and I've had my suspicions about The Big Mystery furthered.  I'll have to read the next book, I think, to confirm them.  


Arista has come into her own and I have fallen in love with the spirited princess.  She's grown and matured due to her travails and gained a depth of empathy that to me, she was missing before.  


A couple of secondary characters that were introduced bit the dust and I was very sad because I had grown to really like them and want to see more of them.  Still, I read Game of Thrones and George RR Martin has cured me of any firm expectations of characters staying alive.


So, I'm looking forward to reading the next book in this series (I have the omnibus of volumes #3 and #4) which will probably be sooner rather than later.  More adventures!  YAY!!