Rag and Bone by KJ Charles - My Thoughts

KJ does it again! Over the past 18 or so months, she had become one of my favourite authors. I enjoy her voice so much, her books are just delightful to read.
Rag and Bone is set in the Magpie Universe and there are plenty of Magpie cameos which works just fine for me. And none of them are forced either. They are an integral part of the plot.
I think I've also found a new fave in Ned, the waste-man. Trust me, he's not a waste at all! *LOL* I like his steadiness, his down-to-earth simplicity and his determination.
The story of how Ned and Crispin, the magician/warlock come to terms with their relationship and their distinct talents and their future is a good one. It kept the pages turning and allowed the characters to grow.
Rag and Bone is one of those books where I read the final words and sigh happily because it's so ultimately satisfying. :)