Dirty Heart by Rhys Ford - My Thoughts

#6 in the Cole McGinnis mysteries, Dirty Heart was a great way to finish off the series. And yes, I finished it in a day. Couldn't put it down. Rhys' books are so easy to read, I just sort of bask in the storytelling and characters.
The tale of why Cole's loved ones keep getting shot by people from his past is finally solved and quite a satisfactory fashion. I was good with it and never really got a hint of it all through the 6 books and yet, in the end, it made a lot of sense.
I had the same problem in this book with the names of the Korean characters, but that's a fault of mine. I can't keep Jae's aunt, uncle, half-brother, cousin... can't keep them straight - but it was nice to see that there were some characters in the book who felt the same way! :)
I had been hoping to get time with Jae's sister, one of the secondary characters that I really loved when we met her in Book #3, but aside from a mention early on, that was about it. :/
I know Dirty Heart is supposed to be the finale of the series, but I honestly didn't feel like it was the end. There was a lack of total finality about it. Oh, don't get me wrong, the ending is pretty much perfect and I'm satisfied with it - but I do feel that the world of Cole and Jae could be revisited at some point.