Point of Dreams by Melissa Scott & Lisa A. Barnett

Point of Dreams: A Novel of Astreiant - Lisa A Barnett, Melissa Scott

The third installment of the Astreiant followed in the footsteps of the first two  (Point of Knives and Point of Hopes) and was very, very good.   We continue to follow our heroes, Nico Rathe, the pointsman and Philip Eslingen, the one-time solder on the latest of their mysteries. This one concerns flowers, the theatre, and the nobility.  


Philip is now working as a member of the Masters of the Guild of Defense, who provide all military and/or fighting performances in Astreiant's theatres.  There are murders in the theatre and environs where he's working and since the theatre district is in the point (district) served by the Point of Dreams, Nico takes it on.  Thereby hangs the tale. 


In this book, we get to meet Nico's mother, which I really liked.  Nico and Philip's relationship grows and I guess you could say expands to the point where they're openly acknowledging each other as their leman.  


My only problem - and the reason I didn't give it 4 stars - was that there was so much stuff about the play being rehearsed and the previous play that I got a tad befuddled at times.  And, there were a few big-time secondary characters whose names were similar, all starting with the letter A for some reason.


The Astreiant series has become one of my favourites and I really love both Nico and Philip.  :)