Absinthe of Malice by Rhys Ford

Absinthe of Malice - Rhys Ford

And we return to the world of Sinners with this 5th book in the series.  :)  


The band is out on the road, getting to know each other, learning how to work together as a band and hopefully to bond.  There is music, many adventures, deep thoughts, a few threats and of course, amidst all this band stuff, we get the Morgan men being there for their partners, still learning about them and doing a lot of loving.


I enjoyed it!  The book was mostly a furthering growth of the characters, I thought.  I would have liked to see more of Rafe and Quinn, but I guess when you have 4 band members relationships, 4 couples relationships and then the whole Morgan family relationships to deal with, something's got to give.  


And then... then there's what seems to be the obligatory Rhys Ford cliffhanger.  *SIGH*  I love Rhys' books to bits, but I hate... HATE this need of hers for these damned cliffhangers.  Her books don't NEED them, they're good enough that they don't need this so very obvious hook to go on to the next one.  


That being said... I thought the Sinner's series was finished with this volume, but... I guess not!  *LOL*