A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny - My Thoughts

It's no secret by this time that Louise Penny is one of my most favourite mystery writers, indeed one of my fave writers PERIOD. A Trick of the Light just reaffirms those facts. :)
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is back with his team, Beauvoir and Lacoste, but after the events of the previous two books, he's changed and in some ways it's for the better, but in a couple of subtle ways, maybe not.
The mystery hits close to home in Three Pines and our good friends Clara and Peter are very much involved. Lots of change there too. There are definitely troubles to get past for most of the cast. Gamache, Beauvoir, Olivier, Clara and Peter... they all have decisions to make and paths to chose.
The mystery, while it's very good and very much in the front of the tale, also reflects what's going on in the regular characters' lives. There are layers in Penny's books, thoughtful and insightful layers. That's why I can't classify them as cosy mysteries - they are so very much more than that. They just juicy and deep and enjoyable and thoughtful and ... well... I love the characters. Even when they're being their terrifically flawed selves - maybe especially then. :)
Damn, I love these books!