The Wall of Storms by Ken Liu - My Thoughts

Wall of Storms - Ken Liu

I took a long while to read this one because, not only was it a big read, it was so delicious that I had to savour it, like a beautifully aged single malt.  


I found the first half of the book somewhat slow, but the writing is so gorgeous that it really didn't matter.  We have moved on to the next generation of characters from those that starred in the first book, Grace of Kings.  


Ideas are put forward about culture and war and power and equality that make a person stop and ponder things for a while. It's never as simple as right and wrong, or black and white.  The characters are multi-dimensional and all have flaws as well as good qualities and while there were times when I knew exactly what they'd do, there were other times when I was surprised by the paths they took.  


And I have to say, I love how small things that happen in the beginning of the book, come back around and end up being something really, really important.  


Ken Liu is a wonderful talent and he writes EXCELLENT books!  I highly recommend this series if you're looking for something to sink your teeth into, something that tastes fresh and new and different.  :)  I can't wait for the third book!!