The Rise of Io by Wesley Chu - My Thoughts

The Rise of Io - Wesley Chu

This book was recommended by a few of the sci-fi/fantasy authors that I follow on Twitter so when it showed up priced at a reasonable price on pre-order, I did just that and pre-ordered it.  :)


Were it not for those recs, I would never have picked it up.  It sort of sounds like a New Adult type novel, which I dislike a lot.  I don't usually read a lot of science fiction, being more of a fantasy afficionado.  And the cover doesn't speak to me.  *LOL*


But I'm glad I picked it up because it was quite a fun read!   I enjoyed the characters, even the bad ones!  The plot was full of twists and turns and at one point a little over half the way through, Chu gives the story a hard left turn that left me quite blinkity-eyed.  I wasn't sure he could pull it off satisfactorily, but in the end, yes, it did work and it made things rather interesting.   


So now I want more about Ella and Io and Cameron and the rest of them!  And I have added another author to my list.  :)  I will have to check out his other works.