The Serpent by Claire North - My Thoughts

The Serpent: Gameshouse Novella 1 - Claire North

This was one of the oddest things I've read in a long time.  Deliciously odd.  Fantastically odd.  Gorgeously odd.  


I'm sure there's a term for the way in which this novella was written.  Second person POV?  Not really.  Actually, what it felt like was a storyteller escorting me, the reader, around the story chatting with me while telling the story.  It was so very different and a little off-putting for the first ten or twenty pages.  The chapters too - the shortest one was a single line, I think and the longest 25+ pages.  But it all worked!  


And the prose was so beautiful!  


I'll tell you what.  I am not into audiobooks at all.  I lose concentration and just don't enjoy the process, but this book... OMG, THIS BOOK, in the hands of a voice like, ohh....Patrick Stewart?  Ooh... Eoin Macken (you remember him, he played Gwaine in the TV show Merlin), he has a lovely storytelling voice.  Anyway, in the hands of someone like them, this book would SHINE!  Absolutely shine!  I don't know who actually DID the audiobook, but it is out there.


It's a fantasy novella?  Author KJ Charles called it spec fic.  It's set in Venice during the 17th century and while there is no actual magic, there's a very mysterious place called The Gameshouse.  


In the end, this was a beautiful, delicious, coudln't-put-it-down read that I enjoyed a whole helluva lot and I will be reading the other two, for sure!