Prince's Gambit by C. S. Pacat - My Thoughts
It was good. Good enough that I kept picking it up in those times where I had 10 minutes to read or when I should have been doing some sort of household chore. *LOL*
So, in this second volume of the Captive Prince trilogy, Damen and Laurent continue to learn more about each other as their relationship becomes more friendly and less adversarial. As I got deeper and deeper into the book, I began to marvel at the plotting and planning that the author had done. Just when you think you have a handle on how the story is going to go - BAM! - there's a sharp turn and you're left gasping for reading air! *LOL* I love it!
As far as the romance goes, well, it's a really slow burn. Really slow. And that's good! It works and makes it all that much more believable.
The only real problem I have with this tale is that Laurent is so damned young! 20 years old. I have a hard time attributing all his talents and experience to him as he's so young, but near the end of the book things start to feel more reasonable - to me! This is entirely me. *LOL* I have my own ideas about how certain things have come about and will have to read the last of the trilogy in order to find out if I'm anywhere near correct about them. Won't be a hardship. :)
So yes. good book - good series. Enjoying it very very much.