Taste of Marrow by Sarah Gailey - My Thoughts

I pre-ordered this book (something I very very seldom do) because I enjoyed the first, River of Teeth, so much. It was fresh it, it was different, it was intriguing and it was well written and peopled with lovely characters. This book, Taste of Marrow, was still all that, but at a lower level, I'm afraid.
Now, both books are novellas and I honestly think the story suffered from that in two ways. First off, I felt that the story over both needed more fleshing out. I wanted more... depth? No, because what's there is plenty deep enough, but it just seemed that I wasn't getting the whole story as I should be. I wanted more meat.
And secondly, I don't know why it had to be split over two novellas. The first half of this one, I didn't really understand why one of the main characters was so manically obsessed with finding one of the others - big love notwithstanding. I still don't get why it was so manic and I suppose I'd have to go back and read the first one again to see. And I only read that one in May! Anyway, put them both together in one normal sized novel - it would only be 75K words or 260 some odd pages. Not even CLOSE to epic. *LOL* I also had trouble remembering why one of the bad characters was so important to the whole story. So yeah... a single novel please?
The other thing that I found bothered me again was the gender-neutral use of the pronoun 'they'. It's bloody confusing, I'm sorry. I apologise if that sounds insulting in anyway. I have absolutely NO problem with gender-neutral/fluid people. It's just that the word, after 55+ years of reading and 60 years of talking indicates more than one person to me. I was confused so many times looking for the second or other people in the scene. It brought me up short and took me right out of the story. Which saddens me because I had to take off a .5 star for that because it did impact my enjoyment of the book.
So yeah, I was somewhat disappointed by Taste of Marrow. I do hope the author continues to write in this universe however, and maybe even with some of the same characters.