A Turn of Light by Julie Czerneda - My Thoughts

The third of my Christmas books and I'm 3 for 3! (I have one Christmas book left to read.)
So, Julie Czerneda is a Canadian author, mostly of science fiction. She's a favourite of my good friend, Ginette, and when I had read something about Julie and this book somewhere (I follow a lot of blogs) I mentioned to G that I thought I'd like to give her a try. G said that she thought I'd like it. She did. So it went on my Christmas list and my son put it under the tree for me.
Now this book is a brick. I mean, an 800-page brick! And I have the mass market paperback edition so let me tell you that when one is used to reading on an ereader, it's a pretty daunting thing! *LOL* It took me a while (for me) to read. 2 1/2 weeks. But not because I wasn't enjoying it, 'cause I was, but looking for a light and a comfy way to hold the book for an extended period of time and the smallish font is a bit of a chore! *LOL*
Anyway... to the book.
This is not a book for someone who wants a quick, action-packed thrill ride. This is a book to immerse yourself in. A book to discover slowly, like that cliché of peeling back the layers of an onion. A book to sink into until you become as at home in Marrowdell as Jenn and her family and her friends.
There's something special about Marrowdell and as you go along in the book, you slowly begin to discover its delights and secrets bit by bit. It could be frustrating if you weren't into that, but I found myself almost wallowing in the atmosphere. Julie makes Marrowdell come alive.
And the characters. Oh, I loved most of them. Absurdly, the character I could never really warm up to was the main character of Jenn. She was just a little too young, a little too naive and impulsive, a little too... flighty at times?... for old lady me. I didn't dislike her at all. I just never warmed up to her. The surrounding characters... honestly? I think I liked them all! I have a special soft spot for Horst. And Kydd. And Tir. Then there's Scourge... the, um, big warhorse. *LOL* And like my friend, Ginette, the TOADS!!!
And you know... there's nary a prince, a duke, a queen or an emperor. This is a story about normal (well....) country folk, farmers, millers, tinkers and an one-time soldier or two. You know... it feels just like a Canadian book in some ways. *LOL*
Oh, I enjoyed this! And I'll read the second one as well as dip into Julie's science fiction tales.