Kingdom of the Blind by Louise Penny - My Thoughts

My birthday present to me. It's so very rare for me to pay $15 for an ebook, but this is one of my very favourite of favourite authors and it was my birthday the week it came out, so... I gave myself a gift!
It was like coming home.
I came to a realisation about myself and the Gamache books when I was about halfway through this one. They are perfect for people watchers. Perfect for people who love to watch TV shows like Survivor and Big Brother because they want to see how the people will react and what they will become in different situations. There is a lot of people watching in these books, and speculating and looking for the 'why' of things. I love it!
All of our friends are back in Three Pines, but this time the focus is more on the Sureté side of the family than the civilians. There are parallel storylines here - the case of the will, the murder of one of the heirs in said will, and the fallout from the previous book with the drugs Armand was forced to let slip through his hands in order to catch the bigger fish.
I wish I was better at writing these things so that I could explain why they're so good, but suffice it to say that Armand Gamache, is a wonderfully flawed hero and the family that he makes around him is also filled with real people who are alternately flawed and heroic in their times.
I don't know that I'm completely thrilled with the way this book ended. Oh, don't get me wrong, the ending was perfect and filled with surprises and sadness and feel good moments, but I'm going to be really annoyed if Jean-Guy's fate is permanent! (Although the whole theme of the student taking the place of the mentor by his actions was pretty cool.)
So, I am thinking positively that there are more Gamache tales to come and that we will be returning to Three Pines in the future. :)