Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough - My Thoughts

I think this book broke my brain. *LOL* I picked it up because it had been recommended to me by a very good friend. It also had a lot of good buzz about it.
It's a differently structured book. We get differing first person POVs and flashback scenes/chapters. It's also written mostly in present tense, I think... At this point, there's so much of that being written that I seldom actually take notice of it.
At any rate, I was luckily able to avoid all the spoilers about the book, only knowing that there was one helluva twist to it. And I would say that it's really, really important to do that. I think the book would be pretty much ruined if you were spoiled.
I hemmed and hawed about my rating (between 3.5 and 4) because while I thoroughly enjoyed my read and was pretty much surprised about the main twist (I had suspicions as the end got nearer and nearer), the mechanics of constructing that twist felt just a wee bit deux ex machina to me? But maybe that was my expectations?
And Netflix is making a limited series from the book, so I suggest you read it before watching. :)
Anyway... it was very good. Read it. Don't get spoiled.